Pizza goat cheese, cherry tomatoes and ratatouille


Sometimes I love making small variations on classic recipes to test what happens. When the experiment goes well and my family is happy, then I play to tell you about it and encourage you to try it . That has been the case this pizza with goat cheese, cherry tomatoes and ratatouille has been a success.

You can make any variation on it but I recommend you try it as well. Change tomato ratatouille base has been a discovery and the mixture of goat cheese and mozzarella has worked very well. This time I have not added ham or mushrooms or shrooms, and really did not need to . Take my advice.

Ingredients for 4 people

Refrigerated pizza base, 3 tablespoons homemade ratatouille, 100 gr goat cheese, 200 grams of mozzarella cheese from buffalo bell, 10 cherry tomatoes, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and oregano

How to make a pizza with goat cheese, cherry tomatoes and ratatouille

This time I used a base refrigerated pizza but if you want, you can make your own pizza dough on the basis of the recipe on video that my partner Minue prepared to make real home. Once we have the dough, we stretch it on the baking stone or on a parchment paper that will be in the baking sheet. I used a mold to make pizzas that I find very handy because it has holes in the bottom and let the pizzas with very crispy base.

Preheat oven to 210 ° . We extend three tablespoons of homemade ratatouille made with tomato, pepper, onion and zucchini, instead of extending a classic layer of tomato sauce for a change on the usual pizzas as when we made the pizza Italian feast . Once extended, we will distribute the mozzarella di bufala pinches giving the cheese ball and distributing them across the surface of the pizza.

We put the cherry tomatoes cut in half well distributed plugging the holes to see free. Sticking with the goat cheese that will cut into slices then depart into quarters and place them in the space that is available so that the pizza ingredients are well distributed.

We take a trickle of olive oil extra virgin forming a spiral, sprinkle with black pepper and oregano with a sprig and bake for about 15 minutes until edges are golden our track and bubbling cheese. We serve hot.

Preparation time | 40 minutes

Difficulty | Very easy

This pizza with goat cheese, cherry tomatoes and ratatouille is a delicious variation of the classic pizzas. For a family dinner is an excellent choice that I recommend you try. With a piece of fruit to complete the menu, you will have enjoyed an almost vegetarian dinner.

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