Pizza in five minutes

I take some time behind finding ways to prepare pizza in five minutes . I mean a complete and pizza from start to finish without skipping steps or use substitutes. A pizza with their mass, their toppings and baked. Anyway, after much over the matter, I have decided to shelve this issue because I find the formula.

The same you have the solution and can share with other human leaving a comment on this entry. I certainly do not have it and, as I mentioned, I have not found a way to make pizza in five minutes without using tricks varying the essence of this traditional dish of Italian cuisine.

If we want to have a pizza ready in five minutes, we can use different types of bread or other mass basis . For example, bagels , pitta bread, bread, wafers dumplings , corn or wheat , naan bread, etc. All these options make excellent bases and require nothing more than tomato sauce with which you rub them, several toppings and a little time in the oven, but we are real pizzas.

We may also from a base commercial pizza ready for baking . This saves considerable time and brings us closer to this goal that I pursue, that of having a pizza ready in five minutes. But we are still in them, pulling shortcuts and skipping preparing the dough.

Prepare the dough is the step that can take longer . Not for the work itself, but by the exposure time required. Despite the necessary ingredients, mix and knead, takes no more than 10 minutes. However, once covered these steps, you need to let the dough rest for at least 30 minutes, depending on the recipe to follow.

At this time of rest, followed by the portioning and stretching the dough, the coverage with ingredients chosen for this purpose and finally (which no less short, the baking. So keep adding minutes and after all the process, we planted in the 50 and we had by far the pizza in five minutes I’m looking for .

5 minute pizzalong

However, some people have done it proclaims . To sample, the so – called “Keto pizza” in five minutes to the base of the psyllium husk or Plantago ovata is used and involved a mixed cooking, fire and oven. The psyllium husk is a seed used in the Keto, absorbent diet large amount of liquid, which gets form a base for pizza in five minutes.

In my view , this is still a fake pizza. Much as any of the alternatives that I mentioned at the beginning of the entry, which leads me to afianzarme in my view that the pizza in five minutes is impossible . So, when I want a real and homemade pizza, I will have no choice but to spend time and get organized for it. But it will be a well – deserved time commitment do not you think?

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