Homemade chicken pizza with barbecue sauce and mushrooms

I love the homemade pizzas, and especially I do with the very thin and crispy base. Such has been the case this homemade chicken pizza with barbecue sauce and mushrooms , in which case , the combination of flavors was delicious.

Any resemblance between a homemade pizza made by ourselves, and we can bring home if we place an order, is purely coincidental. Seriously, I recommend you prepare this recipe, which also was ready almost the same time it would have taken a motorist in bringing her home.

Ingredients for a pizza for 4 people

For the base : 250 g of bread flour, 125 ml of water, 15 ml of extra virgin olive oil, 3 g of dried yeast bakery, salt

For topping : home fried tomato, a piece of mozzarella cheese, 1 onion, 1 chicken breast, salsa BBQ to taste

How to Make Homemade pizza barbecued chicken with mushrooms

We started with the dough, mixing the ingredients for about 5 minutes to form a ball. Let stand until the ball twice its size , and then stretch it on the counter, trying to look good thin. The recent spurts are we already on the oven tray covered with baking paper or silpat .

While the dough is resting, we make the only previous operation that requires our pizza, which is to prepare the chicken with barbecue sauce. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces snack , and fry lightly in a skillet. Add a spoonful of sauce barbecue and stir to impregnate all the pieces. We did not cook at all the pieces of brisket, because they end up doing in the oven.

Preheat oven to 220 degrees . Based on the pizza, we extend some homemade tomato sauce and mozzarella split the ball that we will properly chopped. We also have equally onion cut into julienne strips and let distributing the chicken pieces with barbecue sauce on the surface of the pizza.

We finish off by placing the mushrooms rolled, so that the entire surface of the pizza is covered by one or other ingredients, and bake for about 12 minutes until golden and crispy see the mass. serve immediately

Preparation time | 40 minutes

Difficulty | Half

The homemade pizza chicken with barbecue sauce and mushrooms , is a delicious combination of ingredients in which the power of the sauce BBQ is note in every bite, but not saturated or cloying, being offset by the smoothness of the mozzarella and taste of the mushrooms. With such ingredients, like large and small, you can be sure.

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