Ratatouille pizza and prosciutto. Thermomix recipe

Many already know that I am manchego of origin, although I live in Mallorca. So, the ratatouille is part of my everyday cooking. Usually at home we usually eat with bread and some meat or fried eggs but this time I thought that the pizza vegetable ratatouille and ham could be a different way of eating.

The manchego ratatouille , in principle, just as ingredients pepper and tomato . Therefore, the recipe says ratatouille which is also quite popular in my country. The truth is that, ratatouille admits that many variations, I bring what I do.

Ingredients for 2 medium pizzas

for the dough: 200 gr of warm water, 50 g of oil, 1 teaspoon salt, 20 g of compressed yeast, 400 g of bread flour.

for the ratatouille: courgettes 300 g, 150 g of red peppers, green pimierntos 150 g, 300 g of onion, 100 g of olive oil, 500 gr natural crushed tomatoes, salt and pepper.

for pizza: diced ham and grated cheese (mozzarella or Emmental).

How to make ratatouille pizza and prosciutto

The first thing we do is the pizza dough. To do this, we put in the glass the water, oil and salt. Schedule 1 minute, 37º and speed 4 . Then add the yeast and mix 10 seconds, speed 4 . Then we add the bread flour and schedule 5 minutes at speed 5 and finally, schedule knead 1 minute, speed spike .

Remove dough from bowl of the food processor and put in a bowl. You have to cover for leude to double its volume. Levado time depends on environmental conditions are usually about 30 minutes.

While the dough leavens, we prepared the ratatouille. The vegetables are washed and chopped programming 4 seconds, speed 4 . Then add the olive oil. We scheduled 15 minutes varoma temperature, turn left and speed spoon . Then add the tomato , salt and pepper, and schedule 20 minutes with the same parameters as before.

Preheat oven to 220 degrees, We get the dough from bowl, desgasificamos with his fist and divide by 2. Roll out the dough, giving it a rounded shape. Once this is done, we apply the above ratatouille. Then the diced ham and then sprinkle grated cheese (mozzarella or Emmental). We bake about 20 minutes down the temperature to 200 ° C.

Preparation time | 1 hour

Difficulty | half

To taste the pizza ratatouille and ham you must wait for it to cool, cut into portions and consume. With a salad you will have a perfect dinner. Furthermore, it is an ideal way to get kids to eat vegetables, disguised as pizza. I hope you enjoy it as much as we liked us.

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